This emoji can be used to underline multiple love interests, as well as a kind of love involving a few people (i.e. Revolving Hearts are usually presented as two red or pink color hearts revolving in a circle, but some platforms present this symbol as 3 or 4 revolving hearts.As a symbol of Cupid, it can be used to show that someone has fallen in love, or as the main symbol of the Valentine’s Day. A Heart with an Arrow is usually represented as a red or pink color heart hit by a yellow, purple, brown, or blue arrow (depending on the platform).It certainly can be used to symbolize a coming gift from someone who loves you. Someone, who talks about his or her love as a gift or God’s blessing, can use this one. A Heart with a Ribbon or A Gift Heart is represented by a red or pink heart wrapped with a yellow ribbon.A Heavy Heart Exclamation is a popular emoji used to mark a warning or advice given with deep love, as well as the feeling of missing someone deeply loved.This is one of the heart symbols, which can be used to represent love and life inspired by love. A Beating Heart is usually presented as a red or pink heart with a few vibration lines above it.A Broken Heart can be used as an emoji to show broken feelings, missing someone or living an unshared love.It is used to underline sensitive and understanding love, honor and respect, sacrifice and forgiveness.

A Purple or Violet Heart is a traditional symbol of Military veterans.A Green Heart usually symbolizes jealousy, envy, as well as the love for nature, growth, and development.It is considered to be the symbol of peace, deep and quiet love, skies and harmony, loyalty and infinite trust. A Blue Heart, one of the recently added heart symbols.In some platforms, a yellow #1BF heart automatically becomes a red heart in two weeks. It is very often used to demonstrate the most important friendship and mark the best friends. A Yellow Heart is displayed as a heart of yellow or golden color.A Red Heart (also known as Love Heart or sometimes as Heavy Black Heart), is a traditional red heart used to express love or being the best friend.A Black Heart is shown as the totally black heart and can be used to demonstrate sorrow, dark humor, darkness in the heart, or other similar emotions.It is often used for marking a heart suit, along with the clubs, diamonds, and spades. A White Heart Suit can be presented as a heart with a red outline, but some platforms may show it as a heart symbol with a black outline.There is a number of heart symbols you can use to make your messages look more attractive to your recipients.